Regenerating Moisturiser


430.00 including GST

  • Anti-ageing properties
  • Plumps your skin
  • Improves skin texture and appearance
  • Pore minimiser

Size: 80gms


Introducing our regenerating moisturizer, the perfect way to brighten and even out your skin tone!

No Toxins

Home Made


Cruelty Free

Introducing our regenerating moisturiser, the perfect way to brighten and even out your skin tone. Our special formula is designed to deeply moisturise, making your skin look plump and healthy. It also helps refine pores and prevent the appearance of acne. Not to mention, it reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles!
This regenerating moisturiser is all you need to keep your skin looking youthful and refreshed.

Apply ample amount on your face twice a day

Avocado gel, aloevera, cucumber gel, orange gel, pomegranate seed oil, kiwi oil, papaya seed oil, yeast, wild roses, rosehip oil. Rose oil, vitamin a, orange oil, papata gel, green tea, cucumber oil, jasmine water, lotus oil.

Our products are suitable for all individuals, including those who are 8 years old and above. Even people with sensitive skin can use them safely. Just be sure to conduct a patch test before trying out any new product to ensure it’s safe for you.

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